phpVirtualBox Interface Setup
This web application is a PHP front for Oracle VirtualBox running headless. It connects to vboxwebsrv
, a SOAP server distributed with VirtualBox, and provides a web interface that mimics VirtualBox.
Known security risks
phpVirtualBox uses system account ‘vbox’ to communicate SOAP in PLAINTEXT with vboxwebsrv on That is why we run them on the same box.
Server access
- (
- uid/pw:
Supporting services
This is the VM Host application (not a real service), but it is the base application package for vboxwebsrv
. Some extra configuration on VirtualBox is needed:
Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack ** Available through: ** Installation command (as root):
VBoxManage extpack install /path/to/extpack
For console access via phpVirtualBox ** command
VBoxManage list extpacks
as user ‘vbox’ should returnvbox@r00t:~$ VBoxManage list extpacks Extension Packs: 1 Pack no. 0: Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack […] VRDE Module: VBoxVRDP Usable: true
** In case console is unavailable for a specific guest VM, use commands (as user ‘vbox’):
VBoxManage list vms
to get the name, andVBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --vrde on
to enable VRDP on the specific guest
VirtualBox’s SOAP web service
- Init script
- Configuration file /etc/default/virtualbox
VBOXWEB_USER=vbox VBOXWEB_LOGFILE=/var/log/vboxweb/vboxwebsrv.log #Usefull if setting up phpVirtualBox + vboxwebsrv on different hosts #VBOXWEB_HOST= # IP to bind to #VBOXWEB_PORT=18083 # Port to bind to
This “service” runs once on-boot to start any virtual machines that are set to autostart.
- Init script
- Configuration file /etc/default/virtualbox
VBOXAUTOSTART_DB=/etc/vbox VBOXAUTOSTART_CONFIG=/etc/vbox/vbox-autostart.cfg
- Directory permissions
chgrp vboxusers /path/to/$VBOXAUTOSTART_DB chmod 1770 /path/to/$VBOXAUTOSTART_DB
- Configuration file /etc/vbox/vbox-autostart.cfg
#Default policy is to deny starting a VM, the other option is “allow”. default_policy = deny #Create an entry for each user allowed to run autostart vbox = { allow = true }
- Shell script for setting autostart & autostart delays on all VMs (run as user ‘vbox’)
INITIAL_DELAY=30 DELAY_INTERVAL=60 echo “Warning: First power off all VMs. After that, copy & paste the following commands:” for i in $(VBoxManage list vms|cut -d’ ‘ -f1) do echo VBoxManage modifyvm ${i} –autostart-enabled on ; echo VBoxManage modifyvm ${i} –autostart-delay ${INITIAL_DELAY}; INITIAL_DELAY=$((INITIAL_DELAY+DELAY_INTERVAL)) done
- Checking Autostart settings for a specific VM: vbox@r00t:~$ VBoxManage showvminfo puppet |grep -i auto Autostart Enabled: on Autostart Delay: 150
VMs gracefull auto-shutdown
Acpi signal is sent by stock init script (and waits 30 seconds for guests to shutdown). Configuration file /etc/default/virtualbox.
On-demand poweron & acpi-shutdown for local VMs
Added the following file into the web root.
$ cat /var/www/vboxweb/control.php
/etc/sudoers: www-data ALL= (vbox) NOPASSWD : /usr/bin/VBoxManage
sudo -u vbox -H command_to_run
VBoxManage showvminfo "devdb"|grep "^State: *.*"
VBoxManage controlvm "devdb" acpipowerbutton
VBoxManage startvm "devdb" --type headless
if (!isset($_REQUEST['host']) || !isset($_REQUEST['action']) ) {
echo "Bad 'host'{vm_guest_name} and 'action'{on,off} in _REQUEST (POST/GET)";
else {
$host = escapeshellcmd($_REQUEST['host']);
$check = exec ('sudo -u vbox -H VBoxManage showvminfo "'.$host.'" |grep "^State: *.*"');
switch($_REQUEST['action']) {
case "on":
if(preg_match('/^State: *powered off.*/',$check)) {
if ( isset($_REQUEST['snapshot']) ) {
exec ('sudo -u vbox -H VBoxManage snapshot "'.$host.'" restore "'.$snapshot.'"');
exec ('sudo -u vbox -H VBoxManage startvm "'.$host.'" --type headless');
else echo "Could not complete: host not in powered off state.";
case "off":
if(preg_match('/^State: *running.*/',$check))
exec ('sudo -u vbox -H VBoxManage controlvm "'.$host.'" acpipowerbutton');
else echo "Could not complete: host not in running state.";
echo "action can be {on,off}";