Courier IMAP Tips and Tricks
Create Courier IMAP shared folders & subfolders
- Create the Maildir that will hold the shared content
maildirmake -S /etc/shared/OpenBSD
- Create the shared Maildir Folder that will hold the mails
maildirmake -s write -f IPv6 /etc/shared/OpenBSD
- Change ownerships, groups and mode
chown -R vmail._courier /etc/shared/OpenBSD
- Add entry into
echo -e "IPv6\t/etc/shared/OpenBSD/.IPv6\n">>/etc/courier/maildirshared
- Restart ‘‘imapd’’ and ‘‘imapd-ssl’’
/usr/local/libexec/imapd.rc restart /usr/local/libexec/imapd-ssl.rc restart
In order to create shared subfolders into an existing shared folder we use the following format using the dot ‘.’
maildirmake -s write -f IPv6.subIPv6 /etc/shared/OpenBSD