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Ansible Tips and Tricks

date: 29/12/2022 —

Configure your ~/.ssh/config

Ansible provides a lot of ways to manage your ssh connections but it gets messy really fast. The best option to avoid having to troubleshoot names and other such details is to create a ~/.ssh/config with your inventory host connection details. Example:

Host host10
  User root
  ForwardAgent yes
  ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p

and then you can run your ansible like so: ansible -i host10 -m ping

Execute module with params

ansible myhost -m copy -a 'src=/etc/resolv.conf dest=/tmp/resolv.conf owner=root mode=0400'

No inventory invocation

Add the hostname as inventory followed by a , as well as -u for remote user to connect to.

ansible -i myhost, -m ping -u remote_user --ask-pass|-k